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Percy’s birth story

One month ago, Grant Perseverance’s life began, according to the world. Here is the story of his birth, as I wrote it down in my journal on that day.

Dear Grant Percy,

This morning we dropped Valor off with Papa Bill and Nana and drove to the hospital at 8. By 10 I was in the OR getting my spinal shot to put my lower half to sleep. Since I always have c-sections, the only stressful part for me, the part I have to “perform” for, is holding still to get the anesthesia needle into my back. This is a very small challenge compared to real labor, or compared to the obgyn’s job, but for some reason it psychs me out every time and I get very nervous. I have only had epidurals before, so knowing it was a longer needle this time made it more scary. It was very painful for the first try. Electrical pain shot through my right leg and arm, shaking them, and my back felt like it was burning, and I screamed a few times and started hyperventilating. The anesthesiologist had to get me to calm down (thank you, whichever nurse let me bury my head in your shoulder and gasp for breath) and tried a different spot. This time it went in with no shooting pain and immediately my lower body started going numb. They heaved my legs up onto the operating table and went to work.

The nurses and my doc were great. I couldn’t seem to get enough air to breathe until they got you out and off my spinal nerve. Your dad was there and took pictures.

I heard your little cry and I was so happy! The nurses held you up for me to see and I said, “Oh, he looks like James!” They let me hold you for about 15 minutes or so, skin to skin, while they stitched me up. The position was awkward, with you rolling down my chest toward my neck, but it was so euphoric to have you to look at and distract me from the docs. You were so beautiful! All the nurses said so, too. Your ears like little cups, your eyes squeezed shut. Your hair looked dark and wavy. You heard my voice and smelled my skin and immediately got quiet and calm! You fell asleep right there.

My heart scrambled to find words and came up with the best I could remember of, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant” (Luke 1:46-48). I feel extremely euphoric. I can’t stop thanking God for your precious life. And I feel like we bonded right away, maybe because the similar experience of Valor’s birth made you seem familiar already.

You went with your dad to get cleaned and weighed—he said they used half a bottle of baby wash and a brush to get your hair all clean. Then they put clothes on you and wrapped you up tight!

I was sewed up and rolled to recovery, where I rested and gradually got feeling back into my legs over an hour or so. The Duramorph from the spinal stayed effective for 24 hours so I had no pain for a long time, just an itchy face and neck (side effect). Since the spinal was a single shot I don’t have the epidural tubes to deal with, which is very freeing.

You are lying in a little rolling bassinet now next to my hospital bed. You are stirring a little and crying a tiny goat-like cry. Your eyes are dark blue and your fingers are long. Your face has already changed a lot since you were first born. Now you seem to look more like I remember Valor.

You are being a perfect baby, nursing and sleeping! We are so glad that we get to be your parents! Thank God for granting our prayers for a healthy baby!





3 thoughts on “Percy’s birth story”

  1. I am so very happy to hear of a HEALTHY, beautiful baby boy for you guys!! He’s a mix of both big brothers! CONGRATULATION!!!

  2. Percy is such a beautiful baby! And got an amazing pair of parents and a wonderful big brother.
    The third picture you posted really reminded me of sweet baby James.
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful birth story with us.
    I’m rejoicing with you.


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