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Euro zone

We had the privilege of being host family to Gabriel, from near Bilbao, Spain, and Jules, from near Lyon, France. Both boys were 14, came to experience American culture and improve their English, loved Cocoa Krispies, and hated ranch dressing. Other than that, they were quite different.


If you ask him how old he is now, Percy will laboriously unfold three fingers, hold them up, and proudly say, “free!”


Percy’s favorite letter seems to be “Q.” Most sentences either start with Q, Kwee, or Kai.

the four of us

We are continuing on a path that God knows but we only see by faith, like the zip line to the platform hidden in the trees ahead.

full of it

For the past three Novembers, we’ve started with a bulletin board with only the trunk and limbs of a bare tree fashioned out of brown paper, and we’ve ended the month with a craft which depicts the various things we are thankful for as leaves. This year is the fullest our tree has ever been.