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James, Dora, & Carolina

goodbye, September

It was a short pregnancy, and because of our history it is not too hard to find our way back to the familiar and beloved signposts of God’s sovereign wisdom, love, and mercy.

the score

Achievement test scores aren’t the measure of a kid’s life, or worth, or strength, or soul.

brother friend

Abby: (notices Percy scoot around the corner into the next room) He’s off.
John: (absently) Yeah?
A: He eats paper.
J: Oh. (hurries after Percy)

pure joy

So yesterday was my 24-week ultrasound and I was straining to see the gestational age as the tech drew her little ovals around the head and stomach.

Halloween scenes

Valor got really pumped about Halloween this year. We walked around the neighborhood the week before to see the “Halloween scenes,” as Valor calls them, on people’s porches. I thought seeing the “scary” things in the daytime would help prepare him for the night of trick-or-treating.