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man of the cloth, chapter the last

It’s been way too long since I posted about cloth diapering. But tonight as I put what I think might be Valor’s last load into to the washing machine, I figured it’s now or never.

pure joy

So yesterday was my 24-week ultrasound and I was straining to see the gestational age as the tech drew her little ovals around the head and stomach.

Halloween scenes

Valor got really pumped about Halloween this year. We walked around the neighborhood the week before to see the “Halloween scenes,” as Valor calls them, on people’s porches. I thought seeing the “scary” things in the daytime would help prepare him for the night of trick-or-treating.

raising a Big Boy

Valor saw me wearing a Planet Fitness tee shirt some time ago, which features a big yellow “thumbs up” sign. He was eager to show us that he, too, could make the thumbs up sign, although his version includes the outstretched forefinger pointed diagonally down…

so far behind!

We took a vacation to Townsend, Tennessee with our friends the Lis from Houston. Valor had a great time with Michelle’s two children, Nathan and Anna, who are growing up into big kids so fast. We stayed in a cabin right next to the Little River, which included free passes to a tube rental place, which was a lot of fun for those of us over 5. We didn’t get any photos or video of that, but we did shoot some of Valor on our vacation, including his favorite activity of throwing rocks into the river: