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The God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not (Rom. 4:17) would be sustaining No. 5’s eternal soul even if He did not sustain his or her body…but God, who is rich in mercy, has blessed us with a healthy baby at 16 weeks.

we heart hope

Valor is really looking forward to the day he can open up the presents that are starting to appear under the tree. He massages and rearranges them every day, so I don’t know what kind of shape they’ll be in by Christmas. He’s not the only one around here who is longing to know what next week will bring.

No. 5 is alive

We are very relieved to announce that No. 5 has survived to 11 weeks, 5 days.

Halloween scenes

Valor got really pumped about Halloween this year. We walked around the neighborhood the week before to see the “Halloween scenes,” as Valor calls them, on people’s porches. I thought seeing the “scary” things in the daytime would help prepare him for the night of trick-or-treating.

raising a Big Boy

Valor saw me wearing a Planet Fitness tee shirt some time ago, which features a big yellow “thumbs up” sign. He was eager to show us that he, too, could make the thumbs up sign, although his version includes the outstretched forefinger pointed diagonally down…